Our latest podcast is a call to action for all amputees. This week, the Senate begins substantive discussions about repealing The Affordable Care Act. And we need you to reach out to your legislators to make your voices heard - immediately!
Whatever your political leanings, there are two specific parts of this law that have helped amputees since 2010: (1) the designation of prosthetics as an Essential Health Benefit, which prevents insurers from setting annual or lifetime limits for prosthetics in insurance policies, and (2) the elimination of pre-existing condition exclusions, which allow insurers to deny claims if the beneficiary previously received treatment for the same condition.
This podcast tells you (1) what the issues are, (2) what you can do, and (3) how you do it. In conjunction with this latest episode of amp'd, we have also launched an entirely new section on our website: Amputee Activism! Check out the resources in this new section as we continue to add tools to your rapidly-growing toolkit.